This is a brilliant concept...
Infamous Net Marketer, Marlon Sanders, has taken a 19-year-old kid and trained him PERSONALLY for 90 straight days in all the facets of Net Marketing.
This kid, Matt, was raw and had zero experience of Net Marketing. He was so raw in fact that when he subscribed to a major 'Guru's' newsletter he thought the 'Guru' was mailing him personally and thought it 'very cool!'
He had no idea it was an autoresponder at work :)
Nothing like this has ever been done before. Marlon showed Matt all of his systems that he personally set in place within his business. He shared his own m.arketing philosophies with Matt on a daily basis... He even had him go through dozens of home study courses. The works!
Matt crammed a whole life's worth of marketing knowledge into a 3 month period.
But here's the thing - Matt wrote up everything he learned into a Diary day-by-day. You've got to see it to believe it, as Marlon 'Just tell's it like it is.' and Matt transcribes it asking questions, getting clarifications and freely picking the heavy duty Marketing brain of one of the Nets most successful Marketers.
Matt asks the questions you'd want to ask if you worked one on one with Marlon and then demonstrates how he applied what he learned.
Nothing's ever been done like the Diary before. You'll find it incredibly useful. It's very step-by-step or you can look up a specific topic you need help with and the information is right there at your fingertips.
Take a look Now -
When the 90 days were up Matt was let loose into the Net Marketing world were he immediately created two products and made $15,049.40!!
Not a lot to some, but for a kid starting from scratch it was mind blowing to him and this is just the start.
And, because Matt's new, he keeps it simple and easy to follow as he writes his Diary and creates a Net Marketing blueprint that anyone can follow.
Check it out Now :
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