Do You Actually Want To Make Money Online Or Do You Just Want To Have A Website
By Trevor Kugler
This is a question that you must know the answer to before you begin the online process. Either one is fine; you just need to know which one you want to do. The basic question is this: What do you want to accomplish online? Do you just want to advertise a product or service, or do you want to sell a product or service?
The answers to these questions are a must. I made the mistake of not answering these questions and wasted a ton of time and money, because I didn't know the answers. As soon as you "throw your hat in the ring", so to speak, you're going to have people coming at you from all angles telling you what the best course of action is. And do you know what? All of there answers cost you money! Now we all know that there's going to be a monetary investment involves with getting a website going, but it seems as if everyone and his brother wants to sell you the next thing that's going to make your online endeavor a success. It can become maddening.
Answering these crucial questions can help you immensely when these wolves come knocking at your door. An important thing to remember when it comes to having a website, whether it be for fun or profit, is the fact that without traffic none of it matters. Traffic of course, being people visiting your site. And really, what's the point of having a website, if you don't have any visitors? There is none. This is a crucial question for you to keep in mind after you've answered the other two. How are you going to get people to visit your site? This question also relates directly to those who answered "yes" to wanting to make money online, because if you want to make money online you need traffic (and a lot of it).
When you begin to research ways in which to get traffic, it opens up a whole new can of worms. You hear a lot about free classifieds, free banner exchanges, yadda, yadda, yadda. The bottom line is that the only way that ever seen to build traffic that's actually "free" is articles. The free banner exchanges and free classifieds aren't even worth your time you waste getting listed in them. They're BS, so the wolves can make more money. You would be much better off spending time writing articles about your subject(s) of expertise.
The bottom line is that answering these questions will put you in a much better position than I was when I started out on the internet. I truly want you to succeed and feel that most people won't be honest about how things on the internet really work. Good luck and remember what Lau Tzu said," All difficult things have their origin in that which is easy, and great things in that which is small."
Trevor Kugler - Co-founder of JRWfishing and founder of Trevor has more than 15 years of business experience and currently raises his three year old daughter in the heart of trout fishing country - Montana. - Start Catching more fish Today - sign up for the best free fishing Ezine on the web and get a FREE E-book for your trouble. - Fishing Tips & Techniques For Pennies
Article Source : Make Money Online
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