Friday, December 08, 2006

Are You Searching For An Important Email ? Here's Your Big Time Saver !

Are You Searching For An Important Email ? Here's Your Big Time Saver !

By Bill Parks

You received an email from a friend a few months ago with directions to an up-coming seminar. Now that email is buried under months of other email messages.

How do you find it?...

Well... You can scroll through all your previous emails looking for the message...

But there's an easier way for You!

Email 'clients' as they're called, or programs provide shortcuts to finding your important email. Each provides "Advanced Find" methods so you can search by subject, name, email address of the sender, or by any of your folders you've set up to store your important emails. (i.e. trash, sent, friends, family, keep, print ), or even by date.

"Wait a minute, while I count my email folders... OK, I'm back!... Right Now I have 62 file folders for emails I want to keep for future reference. With all these folders it's hard to find any particular email."

Have you ever had this problem?... If you have... Hold on... Because, Help for You is right on your computer!

While in your email files, go to Edit or Tools. In one of them, depending on your email program you'll see one of the following:

Find Search Messages Find Messages Messages In This Folder Advanced search.

It varies whether you're using Netscape, Eudora, or Outlook Express... and the version.

Click around until you find the "Search Window." It will pop up. You can search different email folders with different search parameters. It's a lot easier for you than looking through your hundreds or thousands of emails for something that's important to you.

Here's some examples of how to find previously sent or received email messages, using a variety of popular email software and platform configurations. Check Yours... It can be your 'Big Time Saver.' It's worth spending a little time discovering how this works.

Outlook Express 5.02 - Macintosh: Under the "Edit" menu, drop down to "Find", or "Advanced Find." Set up your search parameters for the email you want to find.

Netscape 7.0 for Windows and Macintosh: Under "Tools" on the Messenger menu bar, drop down to "Search." Pick "Search Messages" from the resulting submenu. A search window will open. Set up your search requirements for whatever you remember about the email you want to find.

Netscape 4.7 for Windows and Macintosh: Under "Edit" on the Messenger menu bar, drop down to and select "Search Messages." You'll see a search window open with pull down buttons so you can set the search parameters you want. You can keep adding more search buttons by clicking on '"More." If you know several things about the email you're looking for... You'll save your time and frustration.

Eudora 5.1.1 for Windows: Under "Edit" on the Eudora menu bar, drop down to "Find" and select "Find Messages" from the resulting submenu. Enter your search information.

Eudora 5.1.1 for Macintosh OS 9 and OS X: Under the "Special" menu, drop down to "Find" and select "Search" from the resulting submenu.

Apple's Mail program for Macintosh OS X: Under the "Edit" menu, drop down to "Find" and select "Find Messages" from the resulting submenu.

You may want to spend some time working with this... Because it can be Your Big Time Saver when you need to find your most important email.

Bill Parks... Computer Consultant, specializing in Filemaker Pro database design. Publisher of "Information Age Products Ezine" and "Bill's Business Boosters Ezine."

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