Friday, December 08, 2006

Using a Free "Loss Leader" with Lists - Viral List Builders, Opt-In Lists

Using a Free "Loss Leader" with Lists - Viral List Builders, Opt-In Lists.

By Silke Stahl

What is the best way to lead when using Viral List Builders and SafeLists? After all, you are not marketing to fresh leads – your demographic has already joined an affiliate program and has joined the list program to market it. You need and angle, and offering a freebie could well be the best way….

The main point I would want to get across is that we lead with the free SIM - Secrets of Internet Millionaires - pack, which backends the SFI free trial. It then makes it very easy to do the followups and encourage the customer to give the business a proper try, because the initial contact and first followup has been made and trust established.

We have found this works best for VLB and SL users because all they have to do is give away copied of SIM through the Lists. Whatever they are offering through the mailshot itself, there is nothing to lose by offering the SIM at the end of the message. Often readers with no interest in the main offer will sign up for the SIM.

Even if SFI is only a second business to them, they end up building strong downlines in it. The common thread in my marketing group is that they all promote SFI - and the SIM offer is the way they do it through lists. Many people have done what I and my frontline did and switched to SFI as their primary opportunity as they have bigger downlines and more money coming in for less work.

Before this sounds like it is turning into an ad for SFI, that is not my intention. What I am doing is giving a clear definate example of this strategy in action - no theories, no guessing - pure facts based on continued results.

The theory now is that this should work for ANY business - if they lead by giving away a freebie - whether it be a pack, ebook, or course - and then a free trial for a business - no obligation to upgrade.

In SFI, members are encouraged to upgrade to MIQ, and offered benefits, but it is never an obligation, and it can be done by sales rather than HAVING to make a personal purchase. Similarly although it is technically possible to buy PTL status - Powerline Team Leader - no-one does, they do it by sales or signing up members who MIQ.

Because I ran Network Marketing offline for years and had a successful business, when coming online I wanted to make the process as close as possible, rather than these new wild Internet Marketing schemes.

VLBs and SLs work great using the "freebie" lead method such as SIM and are unique to IM, better and cheaper than the old "mailshot" methods used offline.
As long as it's used properly.

So my strategy now is to promote just SFI from my homepage:

first offer the SFI opp direct;

second offer SIM - those who are happy with their current opp and don't want anything else often sign up for the free SIM pack and many go on to try SFI as a second income stream as it builds downlines so well and is free to run - who wants to throw away free commissions?

third offer IAHBE memberships - those who really don't want another bus opp and are focused often sign up for IAHBE to help them with what they already do.

Other pages contain the marketing tools, information pages, and even a bookstore, and PTR programs for those wanting some extra cash.

The strategy here is to make the biz opp - in this case SFI - "Rome" and all roads lead there.

To quote a line from The Matrix:
"all I offer is the truth nothing more"

What you do with it is up to you.

Silke Stahl is an International Internet Marketer and Home Business Entrepreneur.

Visit her website at:

and her forum at:

Her own Safelist can be found here:

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