Friday, December 08, 2006

Best Lead Method ?

Best Lead Method ?

By Silke Stahl

One of my Guest writers says in her article at The Stork News site that it is the ad that is most important, if the SL fails you, it is down to your ad.

I have always found this to be the case with all ad methods and it annoys me when people who fail because THEY did it wrong blame the method, whether it is SLs, FFAs, Free Class Ads, PPCs or anything else.

My primary biz opp leads in two main ways:

the first is using a gateway which lets them join for free - offers the biz opp straight;

the second offers them a free pack including a book, cassette, tape, and some other goodies, and backends the opp.

I have found that for class ads and PPCs the gateway offering the opp works best from an ad, while when using Safelists or an opt in list, offering the pack gets a better response.

A third method we use is a "lifestyle" approach - rather than promote the biz opp direct, we approach from the angle of changing your lifestyle, giving you more time, and follow with some example "testimonies".
This has pretty much remained the tertiary method for most people in my company and downline and has never gained the reponse rate the other two methods use.

I guess this is down to the difference between someone who is looking for a biz opp and goes to the search engines or scours the ads, and someone who has joined a SL or list to promote something else and then sees the value of what's being offered along with the freebie.

I have also heard back from people who have seen the freebie pack and realise what a great tool it is, and signed up so they can lead with it.
Just goes to show there is no end of methods that can be found to make success for yourself if you keep an open mind.

I think people who join and use Safelists are more open minded that a lot of people who market on the Net - those who just surf the TEs for credits for example, most of who don't think about what they are doing and don't think about WHERE to direct those hits.

Building an opt-in lists works great - I have five programs I use now - six if you include LSN which is technically a downline builder, and find they work best if you get to know your downline and offer them ways to promote, even better programs.

Sticking people on an autoresponder seems to be the worst method - there are lazy people who just do that and expect the whole thing to self automate.

I have an autoresponder at my site that sends prospects a series of emails so they get all the info, but each one includes my own email address so they can contact me personally anytime.

One of my own maxims:
In Network Maketing, the NETWORKING alays comes before the MARKETING.

Keep the faith!

Silke Stahl is an International Internet Marketer and Home Business Entrepreneur.

Visit her website at:

her business opportunity: and her forum at:

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