Friday, March 23, 2007

Is Making Money Online As Easy As It Sounds?

By Carol King

According to many websites and advertisements making money online is very easy to do. It seems that wherever one turns these days someone is trying to convince the masses how easy it is to earn an extra income. If you are a subscriber to a newsletter you will no doubt have received many emails from the gurus telling you that this product or that software is the next best thing to owning your own atm.

Terms like ‘avalanche of cash,’ ‘floods of traffic’ and ‘mountains of moolar’ are thrown around like Frisbees. Unfortunately there are hundreds of people out there who see these ads and fall for the million dollar sales copy. The so-called gurus make it sound so easy it seems so simple. Spend a few minutes in any marketing forum and you will see dozens of people complaining about how they signed up for this or that program a week ago and want to know why they have not made enough money to retire yet.

So who’s to blame for the 95% failure rate of online businesses? The old saying (There are two sides to every story) definitely applies here. Lets break it down into to categories.

The Consumers

These are the regular Joes' looking for ways to make extra money. One of the reasons for the high failure rate is attitude. It may sound like an over simplification of a large problem but the evidence is clear. The average person surfing online wants to make money. In these times the modern culture is one of impatience. We know what we want and we want it now! Consequently if someone is ordering a burger they want it to their required standard as quickly as possible and unfortunately many people feel the same about starting an online business.

More often than not the attitude adopted is all-wrong from the start. Therefore the reason for failure is not that the business does not work, it’s the owner that does not work. The business owner went into the program with the wrong attitude i.e. expecting to be turning a profit within a couple of weeks so the work needed to grow the business was not put in. Almost everything else in life comes so quickly it is expected that profiting from a business will happen quickly as well.

The Marketers

There are far too many unscrupulous so-called marketers online literally lying through there teeth to make money. These are the guys that exaggerate beyond all comprehension. All over the Internet ads that claim you can make ($1000 in the next fifteen minutes) can be seen. These are the few that make it difficult for the majority by making promises that they cannot possibly keep.

Thankfully not all marketers are the same and the good do outweigh the bad. There are those who try to educate people as well as market to them. Educating consumers is vital. Any good marketers understands that it is imperative to get their visitors to fully understand what they will be getting into when they begin their businesses.

So. Who really is to blame for the high failure rate of Internet marketers? Honestly the fault lies with both consumers and markers. Building a strong profitable online home business takes time and a great deal of work. Do not fall for the hype. If it were that easy everyone would be rich and getting sun tanned on private secluded beaches.

If you are looking for ways to earn money fast, do not look online. Internet marketing is an industry just like any other, it must be learnt before it can be applied. If you are not willing to take the time and money needed to learn then it is not for you. Oh yes, money, do not think because a business is online it will be free to start-up and maintain. No business online will last without advertising. There are some great free ways to get exposure but at the same time there are some advertising techniques that are extremely powerful but costly.

The key to starting a business is to do some research, get as much information as possible before joining or parting with your money. Most importantly understand that becoming successful takes time, perseverance, determination and just a little luck.

Carol King-The Home Biz Lady is a part time Internet marketer, who is dedicated to helping others and providing the best information on Internet marketing. Take a look at Carol King's Top choices for online home business opportunities on the HomeBiz-KnowHow Blog at

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How YOU Can Make Money Online In 7 Days Or Less

By Kelly Stone

If you, like many others, want to make money online, then you have probably already realised that you either need to have a HUGE mailing list or have your own product.

If you are starting out, the chances of you being able to build your own list full of buying customers quickly and cost effectively to see an immediate return are slim. So that leaves you with creating your own product.

Most people will automatically switch off at this point with a feeling of ‘all is lost’. This really doesn’t need to be the case. Creating your own product is easy, quick and very profitable when you know what steps to take.

What do all the 'gurus' have in common? They all have a product to sell. The most popular product online? That's information products. People love to buy information products, it saves them time and effort in researching on an overcluttered net.

So imagine how easy that would be if someone showed you EXACTLY how to pick the right topic, the method for creating products – quickly. How much time and effort would that save you?

I’m sure you will agree that the time factor is very important. If you have made the decision to really go for it in the online world, making your time pay is extremely important when starting out. You simply need to see the results you can attain from the efforts you put in.

To find out EXACTLY how to create your own product visit

To find out how we can show you EXACTLY how to make money online, quickly, easily and profitably within 7 days simply visit

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How to Start a Blog and Make Money Online

By Suzanne Morrison

If you are new to the internet and wondering what an earth this blogging craze is all about, or if you already have your own website and you’re wondering why everyone keeps advising you to start your own blog, read on. I’m going to explain to you what a blog is, why you need one, how to set it up, promote it and of course, make money from it.

Blog is short for “web log” and is similar to an online diary or journal. The craze of blogging began in the very late 1990s and has started to become more and more popular over the last couple of years. Almost everyone seems to have a blog these days, from CEOs of large companies to webmasters, from world travelers to teenagers. Even my Dad has his own blog now! A blog allows you to communicate informally with people via an online journal, but it’s more personal and unstructured than a website and easier and cheaper to set up than a website.

If you have your own website, but haven’t yet started a blog you can easily start one using a free service such as Blogger or WordPress. Try to post to your blog at least once or twice a week on topics related to your website. Blogging will help your search engine rankings and open up the communication channels between you and your visitors or customers, encouraging them to interact with you and give them a reason to return to your site in future.

If you don’t have your own website and are looking to set up a blog quickly and easily I recommend opening a free account with Blogger. You can blog about anything you like, for example a hobby, a vacation, your home town, something political, a sport or your business. Just be sure to pick something that you are interested in and knowledgeable about. You can host your blog for free on Blogspot – all you need to do is pick a name that is relevant to the topic of your blog. Once you have set up your profile and chosen a template, blogging is as simple as sending an email to a friend.

There are many ways to make money from your blog, but here are a few ideas to get you started:

- Google Adsense - this is free to join and easy to set up. The ads will match the content of your blog and you will get paid every time a visitor clicks on an ad.

- Affiliate Programs – sign up for affiliate programs related to the topic of your blog and display links to related products on your blog. Clickbank, Trade Doubler and Commission Junction are good places to start, or do a Google search for “affiliate program” + the topic of your blog to find more affiliate programs. Whenever someone clicks through your affiliate link and buys a product, you will receive a commission. If you are knowledgeable about your topic you could also write product reviews to help increase your affiliate sales.

- Sell Advertising Space – if you have a popular blog you can charge people to advertise on your blog. This could be in the form of a text link, a banner or a graphic.

You are not going to make money with a blog unless people can find it. As soon as you have started to post to your blog it’s time to start promoting it. You can get your blog noticed by…

- Submitting your blog to blog directories – just search for “blog directories” in Google

- Asking other bloggers to exchange links with you – you put a link on your blog in exchange for a link from their blog.

- Writing an article related to the topic of your blog and posting it to article directories. Remember to include an author’s resource box with a link to your blog.

- Pinging blog ping services every time you make a new post – and are two sites you can use to do this.

- Participating in forums related to the topic of your blog. Put a link to your blog in your forum signature.

Finally, once you have your blog monetized and you have started promoting it don’t forget to post regularly. The most important aspect of every successful blog is frequent posting, so be sure not to let the virtual dust gather over your blog!

Suzanne Morrison blogs regularly on various topics including travel, home business and internet marketing. Visit her Plug-In Profit Site blog to find out how she makes money online.

Article Source:

How to Make Money Online With Short Articles - Sharing Your Articles

By Donovan Baldwin

Letting others use your articles, as long as they include your byline, is a very effective way to increase website traffic. Most articles which are posted online will include a byline which not only tells visitors you wrote it and might say how they can contact you, but will normally include a link to the website you are trying to promote.

So how does this work?

Let's say I sell do-it-yourself legal forms...which I do.

I then write a short but helpful article explaining how important it is to have a last will and testament...which I did. I include a link in my byline that leads people to my do-it-yourself legal forms website.

Now, I take that article and submit it to several article directories, making sure that I include it in relevant subject areas, i.e. law, legal matters, government, or even last will and testament if I'm lucky.

On the internet, there are two major groups of people seeking information or help.

Group A is seeking information on preparing a last will and testament. Their search leads them to an article directory site where I have posted my article. Browsing through the list of articles, my title catches their eye, they look at my article, and they notice my link, click on it and find out that they can prepare a will themselves using an inexpensive package available there, thereby saving a lot of time, effort, and the potentially large fee that an attorney might charge.

Obviously, not everyone seeking that information will read my article or find it relevant to what they are seeking. Even among those who think that I have just provided them with the exact info they needed and that I am the best writer in the world, only some will actually click on my link. As is the way with Internet business, only a few who wind up at my website will actually buy anything...but there will be more than there would have been without the article.

Group B, on the other hand, provides information. However, instead of researching and writing it all themselves, they go to article directories and find articles that fit their website, blog, or ezine. They then present those articles to their readership. If they have selected my article, there will be a lot more people who will see it than if it simply sits on the article directory site collecting virtual dust.

Wait! It gets better!

1. Remember that remark earlier about posting it to as many article directories as possible? The more websites you can get to carry it, the better chance you have to eventually initiate the chain of events outlined above, hopefully resulting in a sale. So, you can enhance your own chances of success with any one article by placing it on as many article directory sites as possible.

2. If you can write several related articles, you can repeat the process as many times as you can come up with articles. This begins to create an exponential return from the fact that as some people read your articles, they realize that you have written other articles as well. Group A may choose to read more what you have written, improving your chance of being seen as an expert in their eyes, leading possibly to a sale. Group B may choose to keep an eye out and catch your next article because they like your work and know that it will fit in with the thrust of their website, blog, or ezine.

Still more!

3. Some of the website owners from Group B who found your article where you posted it on an article directory website, also run their own article directory websites and take the articles they find and post it on THEIR sites...sometimes for use by even OTHER website directory owners!

Don't stop!

4. Once the article is written, it can be posted by you in forums and on message boards. Although you might not be able to include your byline, many of these sites allow you to create a signature which can include a link to your website.


-Stick to one point. Don't try to solve the mysteries of the universe. If writing about the last will and testament, don't get off into dissertations about law, trusts, living wills, quill pens vs. ballpoints, etc.

-Keep it concise. Obviously, the subject and your style of writing will dictate the length to some extent, but most of these articles should be between about 400 words and 1200 words in length. If the topic is complex or just has to run long, break it up into Part I, Part II, and so on.

-Use your keywords. If the topic is the last will and testament, you will want to use that phrase about 3% of the time. It is a good idea to make sure it makes it into the title and first sentence as well, and, if the article directory allows, make sure it's in the description and keywords (some directories allow you to pick keywords relevant to your article).

-Check your spelling and grammar. Nobody's perfect, and most sites, and readers, will not be looking for perfection anyway. However, not many people will bother with an article replete with spelling and grammar errors.

-Research your facts. If you are presenting opinion, feel free to soar above the clouds. In fact, controversy may work in your favor in that event. On the other hand, if your article is fact-based, or if you give statistics, or quote others, make sure you've got it right before you publish it.

-Get some help. Posting your articles one-by-one on a hundred different websites can be time consuming, not to mention incredibly boring. There are services available which, for a fee, will send your article to several different article directories and ezine publishers. There is also software available which can do this, although setting up the accounts initially can still be very time consuming (and boring). However, this can be worth it.

Donovan Baldwin is a Texas writer and a University of West Florida alumnus. He is a member of Mensa and is retired from the U. S. Army after 21 years of service. In his career, he has held many managerial and supervisory positions. However, his main pleasures have long been writing, nature, .and fitness. In the last few years, he has been able to combine these pleasures by writing poetry and articles on subjects such as health, fitness,yoga, writing, the environment, happiness, self improvement, and weight loss.

You can find information on legal forms and software at . You can learn more about creating a last will and testament at .

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How to Make Money Online With Resale Rights Step by Step!

By T Shah

Let's look at 8 key steps on how to set up and make money online with a resale rights business.

1. You need your own website and domain name. Stay clear of free web hosting - it doesn't instill buyer confidence in purchasing your own products.

2. You need to have a product with resale rights to sell. Digital products like ebooks and software are the most common resale rights products. The best thing is you don't need to constantly carry stock or worry about ever running out of stock because they are digital products that your customers can download again and again without ever diminishing. Another benefit is that you don't ever need to worry about delivery of goods because once your customer has ordered, they can download the product to their desktop, and you don't need to worry about postage or packaging to get the product to your customer. Immediate access and immediate download is what makes digital products attractive.

3. You need a payment processor to collect credit card payments. Paypal and 2Checkout are two popular payment processors that are very easy for anyone to obtain regardless of whether you have a merchant account already or not. Paypal is free and you need to investigate the pro's and cons of using Paypal, whereas 2Checkout costs $50 to get an account set up, but allows you a more professional and trouble free service.

4. You need to upload your product sales page and thank you pages up to your website. Most products that come with resale rights, come with a pre-designed sales page and accompanying graphics for that product which means you don't have to worry about creating a sales page of your own for the product. Once you have uploaded the pages complete with your payment link at the bottom of the page and the product to the website, you are pretty much ready to start taking orders online.

5. You need Targeted traffic to your website. If your resale rights product is about "How To Train A Dog" you need dog owners visiting your website, so not just any traffic, but carefully targeted traffic. You can use pay per click search engine advertising such as Google's Adwords or you can find ezine's within your niche to advertise in. Many ezines allow you to send solo-ads to their mailing list. What this means is that you pay for an email advertisement to go out exclusively with your offer to all of the subscribers to that ezine. This can be expensive, but often produces the best targeted traffic for your offering, and more often than not, is profitable in returns. You can even post in forums, or write articles with a link to your website in the resource box. These are all great ways to get targeted traffic to your website and resale rights product sales page.

6. Collect email addresses. You need a mechanism to collect the email addresses, namely a form that people can "opt-in" to your mailing list. Growing your own mailing list is by far the most important activity to concentrate your efforts on. If you are getting traffic from paid advertisements, unless you collect their details, once they are gone from your website they are gone forever. Unless you have some way of getting them back. This is where getting them to subscribe to your mailing list is vital. Most of the time, resale rights sellers direct their customers to a "Squeeze Page" which is a page that offers the visitor only two options. Option one is to subscribe to move to the next page and find out more information - Option two is to leave the page. Often, a free gift, or free mini-ecourse is offered as a reward for the person to subscribe to your mailing list, making it an attractive proposition. Using a service like Aweber or GetResponse makes the whole process of creating forms, follow up messages and building your mailing list very easy and managable and is recommended.

7. Follow up with visitors who have not purchased on their first visit. Some people will have subscribed to your mailing list AND purchased your resale rights product, but many more will have subscribed and NOT purchased. That's okay, because now you can send out a series of emails to them, that you have already created in your autoresponder service (like Aweber). This will automatically email them at intervals set by you to offer them good reasons to revisit your website. It might be the answer to the top 3 questions people have asked about your product, or maybe an email of testimonials or even an email just offering further tips with the link back to your website at the bottom of the email. The important thing is to get them visiting your website again.

8. Always be on the lookout to find new products with resale rights that will be of interest to your subscribers and keep them purchasing from you rather than your competitors!


* Always look at ways to build good relationships with your subscribers. Offer them free gifts or interesting articles or resources that will be of interest to them from time to time. Or produce a weekly, fortnightly or monthly newsletter for them.

* Look at other peoples websites, the use of squeeze pages, and how they put together "One Time Only Offers". Don't try to re-invent the wheel. If it works for others, it will work for you too.

* Don't be afraid to test everything. Your sales page headline, your money back guarantee, or your product price.

* Offer related bonus products for free with your resale rights product to create even better value for your customers.


* Steer clear of 10,000 guaranteed hits type advertising for your website. They are ineffective, and you will lose money. Stick to the methods mentioned above and always remember "targeted" advertising produces results.

* Don't ever spam. Make sure you only send emails out to people who have "OPTED IN" to you mailing list.

* Don't spend TOO MUCH on your first resale rights products. You should be able to purchase good quality products to sell for less than $100, and often even for less than $50 with full resale rights.

Tahir has been marketing online for just over 4 years, and earns thousands of dollars a month online. Learn more about Ebook & Software Master Resale Rights & How To Make Money Online at his new website below:

Ebook & Software Master Resale Rights

You can pick up a complete list building system including Squeeze Page and One Time Only Offer Page for FREE HERE

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How To Make Money Online With Elance

By James Burchill

Do you write? Can you string together words and sentences – like this? Would you like to make a few extra bucks (maybe more…) without the hassles of a traditional job? You would? Then welcome to the wonderful world of freelance writing on Elance.

-- What is Elance?

Elance is a website forum, a marketplace that allows people from all over the world to actively participate in buying and selling their products and services. As a freelance writer you can offer your writing services with very little effort on your part. If you can surf the web, use email and generally communicate in English (yup, it’s the principal language used on Elance) then you are pretty much good to go.

-- How Does It Work?

It’s quite simple; Elance is a subscription based website that charges you a small fee to become a member. At the time of writing basic monthly subscriptions begin at $30. Once you’re registered you can browse all the active (open) projects and bid on the ones that interest you. As a member you can even set up a personal store front (profile) and showcase your products and services to potential buyers (and it’s not unusual to get direct enquiries from buyers this way.)

-- If Your Bid Is Chosen

If your bid is selected you will get the chance to decide if you want to proceed with the project or not. If you decide to go ahead then you and the buyer enter into an agreement (Elance provides templates and samples at no charge.) You provide the services to the buyer and the buyer pays you what they promised – simple.

Elance gets a small commission on all projects that are awarded. But don’t worry, there is no cost to you for winning projects – that’s the buyers responsibility and the buyer will be billed directly (it doesn’t even come out of the agreed project payments!)

-- So How Much Work Is Available To You?

That’s a good question; after all if you are going to spend at least $30 a month on a basic subscription, you really need to figure out if the subscription is worth it. The number of open projects varies, however it’s not unusual to find between 150 and 200 writing projects available at any given time.

-- And How Much Are These Projects Worth?

There are currently two types of project postings on Elance: BASIC and SELECT. If you have only chosen a basic membership then you can only bid on Basic projects. You will need a Select membership to bid on the select projects.

And the reason you would buy a select membership is simple – select projects pay more, are less likely to end without being awarded (yes there are people on Elance who post projects to “get a feel for the market” and have no intention of actually awarding the project!)

So back to the main question – how much are the projects really worth? Again, this data varies over time (I cover this and more in my new report on, however here’s a quick ‘rule of thumb’ that I’ve found to be fairly accurate: If you multiply all the number of open projects by $250 and multiply that again by 70% you will get a fairly good idea. For example, 200 open projects X $250 X 70% = $35,000

-- But What About the “Big” Projects?

There are big projects on Elance, they get posted infrequently but they are available. As you might imagine these projects are usually posted by companies – not people – and they usually pay 5 to 10 times what a regular project pays. With this kind of payout you can imagine the competition is quite high, however pitching to a business is not the same as pitching to a person.

-- What About Gotchas And Other Issues?

There aren’t too many. The biggest one that springs to mind is that Elance currently does not offer a refund policy on their subscriptions. You actually have to get on board and sign up to get a feel for the Elance market. And to be quite frank, you really need to give yourself a fighting chance and sign up for three months.

If you signed up for a three month Select membership you would currently pay $150 USD. That’s not a huge amount of money, but it is a bit steep if you find out that Elance is not for you.

-- Here Are a Few Elance Quick Facts:

* 100,000+ potential buyers visit Elance Online every week

* Web's #1 consulting site and top 1,000 most visited site

* Awarded Best of the Web by Forbes (2003)

* Reliability Certified by the Better Business Bureau

-- And Here Are a Few Neat Benefits of Using Elance:

* Easily market yourself to a global pool of prospective clients.

* Pitch your services at prices you establish.

* Make a profit as an independent consultant.

It’s true, thousands of service firms and individuals take advantage of Elance as a marketing channel. And Elance actively supports your efforts with aggressive online and offline marketing delivering high volumes of traffic.

-- Remember, You Can Win Work 3 Different Ways:

(1) Answer the phone after people check out your online profile and work samples.

(2) Develop pre-priced ‘buy now’ packages that buyers can purchase instantly.

(3) Bid on projects – many buyers post their requirements directly online.

-- Conclusions

Before you dive into Elance you might want to do some digging on the Internet to get a feel for what others have experienced. For instance you might want to find out more about the bid success ratios, the real differences between Basic and Select projects, how many projects will pay you more than $1,500 and so forth.

You can make money on Elance if you know what you are doing, and quite frankly all it takes is a little time and patience. Good luck, and happy bidding!

JAMES BURCHILL is an experienced Internet Marketing & Business Development specialist providing strategic and tactical solutions to select clients seeking to architect their on and off line marketing success. James is a published author, a passionate advocate of technology and the Internet, as well as an avid study of classical advertising and marketing strategies. Prior to establishing his own unique consulting practice, he served as VP of Professional Services and VP of IT & Consulting and implemented multi-million dollar solutions for Oracle, the British and US Governments, Rolls Royce UK and many others. James taught Computer Science at one of Toronto's leading colleges and continues to coach private clients on a select basis. For more information visit James' Elance site at or checkout his main website at

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How To Make Money Online Filling Online Surveys

By Hector Milla

People are often guilty of cursing manufacturers of products or expressing angry remarks about certain things that they see on TV. The problem with this is that no matter how many curses you utter against a certain product or manufacturer since you only do it in private, your concern will just be confined within the four walls of your room. Aside from that you do not get any benefit out from it.

How would you like to get paid simply by expressing your views? You not only make your points heard but you are also able to direct it to the people concerned. And of course the best thing is that you are earning money doing it.

However not all online survey centers offer monetary remuneration, there are also some that offer coupons, discounts and giveaways based on how people will answer their surveys. Online surveys are conducted to influence the development of new products as well as improve existing ones. Most online companies also make use of online surveys to draw traffics to their web sites.

Getting Started with Online Surveys

First you have to register to become a member. There is no fee in becoming a member however there may also be some online survey centers that would require a membership fee. Be careful since there lots of survey scams online for your protection better join online surveys that do not require membership fees.

A confirmation email is going to be sent to you. When you join paid online surveys you will be made to answer hundreds of online forums in which you would be made to answer general questions, like for instance your age, what is your name, what is your marital status, how much is your family's monthly income, so forth and so on. Since you will be doing the same thing for at least a hundred forums or more, it would be best if you can use a software that will make filling in of information much easier and faster. There is a free downloadable software to fill online forms which you can use.

Likewise you will be made to register a separate email account. You will use this email in receiving the large number of emails that will be sent to you everyday. The payment for the surveys may either be sent in the form of checks or in cash depending on your location.

Hector Milla is editor of a website pointing Ways to Make Easy Money Online , website associated with where you can get free paid surveys online tips and advise.

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Information Products - How to Make Money Online by Providing Information Products

By Sean Mize

The field of information products is a highly competitive and often junked-up online business model, because of the ease of entry. In the last year or so, mass availability of easy-to-use book publishing tools, audio and video creators, and the ease of distribution has really made this field attract anyone who thinks they know something about a field, and a desire to make an extra buck.

The bottom line with creating, and especially making money from, information products, is to create the very best. There are a lot of lousy information products online which are comprised of old rehashed information, and clog up the information market online.

However, because information products have become so easy to create, they make an excellent entry-level field online for the beginner.

So how do you get started?

First, you must identify what you are really good at. What do you know a lot about and are willing and interested in learning more about? The reason I say interested in learning more about is because without the interest, the field will soon grow old. There are so many great topics for online profit that you might as well find something that really interests you.

Second, learn everything you can about that topic. Don’t just start with what you know, go out and learn more. Become an expert in your field. If you are already an expert, be sure you are completely up to date on new developments in your field.

Third, study the market. What types of information would be useful to someone without your experience, but are not readily available online? Anything that fits that category is probably a good place to start in the information world.

Fourth, determine how to disseminate the information. Is it conducive to putting out in the form of a book, or even a digital, downloadable book form like an ebook? Is it information that is more readily available audibly? Is there an advantage to actually being able to see you talk about or demonstrate a process, and therefore a candidate for development as a video or video feed?

Fifth, once you have developed your initial product you will need to let the online world know about it. You will need a web site and you will need a steady stream of visitors to your site, where they can view and purchase your new product.

Sixth, you must position yourself as an expert in your field, and consistently stay ahead of new product developments. As new products arise on the market, you may need to make adjustments to your product, or develop additional products to meet additional needs.

To read more about how to start an online business, click here and download my free book: Starting an Information Product Business

Sean Mize is a successful offline and online entrepreneur and marketer, and has written extensively on the topic of online business creation and success.

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How To Make Money Online Blogging -700 Usd Per Month In 90 Days

By Rick Huey

Want to make money online working for yourself? Blogging may be just the ticket for you? Writing skill and content are important, but understanding search engine marketing and search engine optimization are key to reaching a visitor than may have otherwise found your site. When I first started blogging, the thought was to make to write, which I love doing, and also to make a little money in the process. I quickly learned that more was involved than just writing an article. You needed an audience and the ability to increase traffic. No traffic equals no money.

There are plenty of resources available to assist you, however, I have compiled a list of a few tips that will greatly assist you in finding your audience. Keywords are the bread and butter for making money online. What are keywords? The words you use in your article are evaluated by search engines and ranked. Certain words you use are highly searched, while others may not be. To increase traffic or drive visitors to your site, you must have a working knowledge of highly searched words.

There are several tools which can assist you in this process. Two are the more popular keyword search tools are Yahoo! Keyword Selector Tool and WordTracker. My recommendation is to write your articles and then review and refine your word selections based on your findings using these tools.

The first month blogging I made six cents. Using search engine optimization and understanding search engine marketing, I was able to exponentially grow my income to $700 per month in just 90 days. Using keyword-rich articles, I hope to be making $3000 per month in the next 90 days.

I am a freelance writer and publisher of Huey's World. My goal is to share any and all information related to earning income online blogging. There are many resources available on the internet, however, it is sometimes very difficult to find them. My site provides all the information I discover in my quest to grow my online business. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or comments.

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How to Make Money - Online vs Offline

By Ian G Chivers

Online, Offline….. what’s the difference? Today, I wish to ‘talk’ about the difference in opening a business in your high street, or opening a business online. What drives people to do this? Is there any difference between the two? What skills do you need for each? Let’s suppose you want to open a bricks-and-mortar shop, let’s say a shop selling food products.

What do you need to do before your first customer enters ?

a) Build/compile your Business Plan!

b) Conduct Market Research

c) Find premises, at the right location/rent/price (if you are buying freehold)

d) Formulate a Marketing Plan

e) Engage a solicitor/lawyer to deal with legal issues – Local Government regulations you have to comply with, leases/contract/exit strategies etc.

f) Research the market to find capital items – till, cash register, freezers, cold counters etc.

g) Fit it out to your style and liking – engage with local builders

h) Arrange financing if applicable

i) Get a business bank account

j) Arrange with your bank to have a merchant payment system

k) Find an Accountant

l) If it is too much for you alone, find staff

m) Arrange insurance – fire/theft/buildings etc., and Public Liability

n) Apply to the local body who issues Health and Safety certificates pertinent to the food trade

(or any other bodies/oganisations for other businesses – there are always some!)

o) Find suppliers for the products you wish to sell

p) Negotiate a good deal with your suppliers

q) Local advertising campaign? – local newspapers, flyers, posters etc.

Hmmmm…..the list is endless eh?

I am sure that there are a lot more than the short list above.

Ok, let’s say you do all of the above… what does it take?

1) A vision

2) Drive

3) Tenacity

4) Expertise

5) A skill-set


7) A sense of humour – very necessary this.

I am sure that you can think of others too.

If, after getting this far, a year-down-the-road, what have you got?

i. A business

ii. Hopefully making you a living, but probably very stressful, but having tight reins on your cashflow.

iii. A good name in the community you are serving

iv. Satisfaction? – a moot point maybe

v. A Retirement plan?

Not easy is it? Looking at the above and thinking hard about it, it makes one wonder why people set-up in business on their own. We all have our reasons for wanting to work for ourselves, but when you come down to it, there is only one really. Having control over our own destiny. The one single factor why people succeed or fail is the product. If the product is in demand, then the money will come through the door. If it is not in demand, then it will become a fight to make the money come through the door. Furthermore, if you have the ‘fight’ scenario, then it will cost you more to make a profit, which is a reduced profit! Now that I have outlined (some of) the steps one needs to take to get a bricks-and-mortar business off the ground, what about trying the same thing online? Is it any different? Not a lot!!! For those of you who see online claims that you can do “this”, or “that”, for fifteen minutes each day, (with your laptop sitting on the beach), and live the life of luxury…what do you think of that? Are you fired-up? When I first began online, I was…very much so. It’s like showing a child a scrumptious cake. They want it and know they can have it for free, (from Mum or Dad) if they make the right sounds! Well, it’s just the same here online. If you sign-up with this Guru, or that Guru, and do the things they propound, then you will have that life of luxury. What they do not tell you, or at least emphasise, is the work necessary, not to mention the tools and expertise you need to make it all work. Think back to the bricks and mortar business…..can it be done without time, money and expertise? Probably not. There are a few websites who are trying to redress the balance (myself included) and offer to all, the facts and steps necessary to get online, start a business and actually make money doing this. A good website like the above should show you ‘everything’ that is necessary for you to do to get online, and up-and-running with your own business.

There are many topics that a website such as this should cover. These should include:

• Adsense – Explanation of this and how to....

• Adwords – Explanation of this and how to ....

• Affiliates - why you should try this, why you should not.

• All the Money Transfer options - How to take money online with your website.

• How to protect your links - if you depend on commission earnings, you must do this!

• Copy-Writing - Easy eh? Well, a few rules should be followed.

• Creating an email list - how to, why you should do this...

• Creating a Website - html, other methods, more.

• Email marketing - how to get white-listed, how to avoid spam complaints, more

• Finding a Product – should show you how to do this and the options a#vailable. This is not so hard as you might think, this was my stumbling block in the beginning.

• Necessary Tools - the absolute minimum you need.

• Pre-Selling - sell something before it's ready!

• Publishing - how to and the best way.

• SEO - Search Engine Optimisation

• Getting Traffic - How to.... Pitfalls and is free hosting good enough for you. The above is a snapshot of some of the subject matter that should be discussed. But these are just some of the topics that should be covered. There should also be some other resources for you to download. All with the one objective... to get you up-to-speed as soon as possible and to get you actually earning money online.

It is not easy to do all of the above, but if you are determined and persisten, I am sure that all your efforts will eventually reap rewards for you far beyond working for other people as an employee. The secret is, begin small, in your spare time maybe, and gradually work up to bigger and better things as your skill develops.

Ian G Chivers

Article Source : Make Money Online

How Do You Make Money Online ?

By Darrell Knox

If you learn how other people make money online, I mean really study how it’s done and ask a lot of questions, there is no reason in the world you cannot make money on the internet as well.

How do people make money with websites? There are literally tens of thousands of things people make money on from the net. From hard goods of all kinds (anything that can be shipped, including cars and boats!) to information and memberships.

People make money selling insurance, car parts, reports on every imaginable topic people want to know more about, selling affiliate products, and even fundraising for charity!

That’s right! People make money helping their favorite charities raise money. By creating an in-demand product for a charity to sell to their members, and letting them keep at least 50%, you can make money as a professional fundraiser.

I know someone who makes money selling a dog biscuit and dog food cookbook! That’s right, a cookbook for dog lovers to make treats for their pets. I told you! Anything goes on the net as long as there are buyers looking for what you sell.

It’s truly mind boggling how some people make money online. You just have to be creative and understand how the net works and how people shop online. You have to know how to get into the search engines so people can find you.

And most of all you need a couple good ideas, or find other people with great ideas and sell THEIR stuff for commission! There is no excuse for failure – the world of internet marketing is your oyster!

There are tons of resource sites that can help you understand every single minute detail of making money online from setting up a website to choosing a hosting service to taking credit cards and filling orders. There’s nothing else like it in the world.

I have a site that helps people find ways to make money online. I make money with information products, and help others learn how to make money online doing the same thing.

Some people make money on Ebay auctioning things people are searching for right now all over the world. Still other people sell their time as Virtual Assistants helping busy executives and other business owners complete mundane but important tasks the business owner has no time to do.

With some referrals, over time you can be busier than you ever imagined with clients beating down your door because they heard you do great work at reasonable rates. All this without ever meeting ANY of your clients face-to-face. Working online makes working for people in other countries a snap, as long as you speak the language, it’s no different than if the person you sell to or work with lives right down the street.

Bottom line: You CAN make money online if you are the type of person who is a self-starter and motivated to work toward your goals even when the going gets tough.

Darrell Knox is a writer and entrepreneur with 15 years of home business and marketing experience. Website:

Article Source : Make Money Online

How Do You Make Money Online?

By Darrell Knox

If you learn how other people make money online, I mean really study how it’s done and ask a lot of questions, there is no reason in the world you cannot make money on the internet as well.

How do people make money with websites? There are literally tens of thousands of things people make money on from the net. From hard goods of all kinds (anything that can be shipped, including cars and boats!) to information and memberships.

People make money selling insurance, car parts, reports on every imaginable topic people want to know more about, selling affiliate products, and even fundraising for charity!

That’s right! People make money helping their favorite charities raise money. By creating an in-demand product for a charity to sell to their members, and letting them keep at least 50%, you can make money as a professional fundraiser.

I know someone who makes money selling a dog biscuit and dog food cookbook! That’s right, a cookbook for dog lovers to make treats for their pets. I told you! Anything goes on the net as long as there are buyers looking for what you sell.

It’s truly mind boggling how some people make money online. You just have to be creative and understand how the net works and how people shop online. You have to know how to get into the search engines so people can find you.

And most of all you need a couple good ideas, or find other people with great ideas and sell THEIR stuff for commission! There is no excuse for failure – the world of internet marketing is your oyster!

There are tons of resource sites that can help you understand every single minute detail of making money online from setting up a website to choosing a hosting service to taking credit cards and filling orders. There’s nothing else like it in the world.

I have a site that helps people find ways to make money online. I make money with information products, and help others learn how to make money online doing the same thing.

Some people make money on Ebay auctioning things people are searching for right now all over the world. Still other people sell their time as Virtual Assistants helping busy executives and other business owners complete mundane but important tasks the business owner has no time to do.

With some referrals, over time you can be busier than you ever imagined with clients beating down your door because they heard you do great work at reasonable rates. All this without ever meeting ANY of your clients face-to-face. Working online makes working for people in other countries a snap, as long as you speak the language, it’s no different than if the person you sell to or work with lives right down the street.

Bottom line: You CAN make money online if you are the type of person who is a self-starter and motivated to work toward your goals even when the going gets tough.

Darrell Knox is a writer and entrepreneur with 15 years of home business and marketing experience. Website:

Article Source : Make Money Online

Financial Independence By Making Money Online

By Andrew Gowans

The following article is one of a series of articles which focus on Affiliate, Article and Internet Marketing. All of the articles are based on real experiences and research done over twenty years as a personal and business coach. They are also written in response to questions which I have been asked as well as address common challenges that people have with affiliate marketing, article marketing, internet marketing or running an online business in general. I sincerely hope that you find the following information of value. One idea, one tip, one clue can make all the difference.

Financial Independence By Making Money Online

If you're reading this, then I assume that you are one of those people who want to make a lot of money without ever having to put on a suit and tie and going to the office. That's just fine with me because I too have dreamt of financial independence for some time and managed to achieve it by becoming a successful online marketer.

The most important thing that you need to know about affiliate marketing is: content rules". It's the first thing you need to keep in mind at all times. If you really want to be successful in this trade then you need to learn how to make your own content and how to come up with quality stuff. Getting surfers to look at your website is not that hard. Making them read more than a couple of lines is a bit harder.

The second most important thing is to gain links that point to your site, which will bounce you up in search engine ratings. Make sure the links are always from web pages that focus on the same topic as the articles they point to, otherwise you are going to lose points with the search engines and that should be avoided at all costs.

So there you have it, the big list of tasks that you need to do in order to become a successful affiliate marketer. Sounds too simple? Well, it sort of is simple, but not as simple as you'd expect. What you need to do is to write good articles that can really answer the questions your readers have in mind. This means finding a topic, becoming thoroughly acquainted with it and analyzing possible solutions.

So go ahead, pick a niche market, identify some topics and start writing. Get about 10 articles up on your website, get links for every one of them and then keep an eye out and see if people like them or not. Every morning re-read one of the articles and see if your writing style is really crystal clear and if the ideas stand out from the text and are easy to grasp by anyone.


Affiliate, Article and Internet Marketing in general isn't as easy as many would have us believe. I fully understand (through my own experiences) that it is a lot easier said than done. However, you are here, right now, because you have a desire to improve your business, grow your business, and be more successful. These articles are here with the sole intention of helping you to make the whole process a lot easier.

======END SIDEBAR======

After weeks of doing this re-read your first articles once more. I am perfectly sure that you will be surprised of how poorly written they seem. Feel free to re-write them, or to write new ones that focus on the same topics and solutions, but with a different approach and wording. Don't strive to be 100% original every time because this is impossible.

In a short while you will notice that your site is getting a lot of attention because of the friendly content. Keep everything simple and make sure your pages can be accessed easily by surfers who don't land on your main page. Having a website that doesn't look slick, but has loads of good content tells people that you are a real person and that you aren't trying to pull anything.

Marketing campaigns, flashing banners and slick ads are nice, but you don't need them. Just write articles and get links. Then write more articles and get more links. Repeat this until your website becomes a mandatory stop for people who want to be well-informed on the topic you've chosen. The links and surfer clicks will give you good ratings and the original content will make you unique.

Write good articles, put in plenty of keywords (don't use them blatantly), make sure the links to the merchant website stand out and get other websites to link to you. That's all you need to know to make a lot of money on the internet.

These are just a couple of the internet affiliate marketing fundamentals covered in our Independent Affiliate Reviews of online marketing programs. For a fully scaleable and realistic strategy to making money online, visit the link below

NOW is the time!

O.K. you have read the article. Now is the time for action. Without action, this article adds no value whatsoever to your online success. But remember, without action, you cannot blame this online marketing article or any article for that matter. So, take action NOW.

Even if only one piece of advice, one piece of information, one tip makes a difference, then the whole article has been worth it for all of us.

NOW is the time!

Making money online or from home are some of the most sought after subjects on the internet. Making You Richer is our complete guide to building online wealth, so you can easily convert millions of searches every month into real sales.

Let us make you richer right now by checking out these great benefits and seeing how ordinary people can run extraordinary businesses.

Article Source : Make Money Online

E-commerce : Learning To Make Money Online

By Trevor Kugler

That's what we're interested in, correct? Making money online, and making money online is accomplished through E-commerce. That is, having a website with a product to sell, and with any luck, selling that product via the World Wide Web. E-commerce isn't as simple as having a product that you think will sell, slapping a website up, and selling it.

I used to think this is how it worked. I thought if you had a professional looking website, with products I thought would sell, I would receive orders. Then I realized that nothing could be further from the truth. Why I would have thought that the internet was any different from any other business, I'm not sure, but that's obviously what I thought. It may have something to do with all of the crap floating around about people becoming "overnight successes" on the internet. It seems like everywhere a person turns, there's another story in the media about someone making it big on the internet. In any case I fell into the trap of expecting the impossible. Namely, expecting to have a successful website without much effort.

Then after about six months of spinning my wheels, expecting the impossible, I realized a lot more effort was going to have to be put forth. I realized E-commerce was a process. I had to convince people to buy my products, just as is done in any other business. It wasn't enough just to have a page with a product on it, you have to convince the public that they need it.

While learning to make money online, I also realized that many of the people that you talk to, want to make money off of you, and don't truly have the best interests of your website in mind. For example, for months and months our webmaster was pushing a certain product on us to create newsletters. It seemed like a great product, but we had no one to send a newsletter to. Did he have any suggestions for getting subscribers? No, he just wanted us to buy the product. He wanted us to buy the product, because he got a piece of the action. He didn't care whether or not we actually needed it. This kind of thing seems to happen a lot on the internet. I suppose to be truthful, it happens everywhere, not just the internet.

The biggest thing to remember is that making money online is a process and doesn't happen overnight. If you want to make money online, the best thing you can do is start educating yourself. The more educated you can become about the process, the better. You didn't learn how to do long division all at once, right. You learned through a process and making money online is no different.

Trevor Kugler - Co-founder of Trevor has more than 20 years of fishing experience, and raises his three year old daughter in the heart of trout fishing country....Montana.

Check Out Our Boats and Pontoons: - Start Catching more fish Today!!!!

Sign up for the best free fishing Ezine on the web and get $10 for your trouble. -

Article Source : Make Money Online

Easy To Make Money Online - The Myth About How To Make Easy Money Online

By T Shah

When people new to the internet think others are making easy money online, they naturally want to make the same kind of easy money too.

When people who have lost lots of money chasing the easy money dream online, still continue to lose money still chasing the easy online money dream, then somebody needs to grab them by the shoulders and shout at the top of their voice... "STOP!"

That's what I'm hoping to do with this article.

So if you fit into any of the above 2 categories...


The simple fact is, there is NO easy way to make money online.

Some methods are easier than others, but none is easy.

They all require vital ingredients, namely work, work, and more work.

Throw in persistence, perseverance, and elements of inspiration, and you are getting closer to the real chance of making money online.

Shame is...

People just don't want to hear that, do they?

So what do they do?

Look for the next person promising them the "easy to make money online" dream.

Now don't get me wrong, once you have put in the hard work, and put it in consistently over a period of time, it becomes increasingly easier to make money online.

But hard work is what it takes.

And lot's of it.

Now I can make this generalization, risk-free.

Because it doesn't matter what kind of product or service you are offering online, you won't make a LIVING online easily, until you put in the hours of hard work over weeks, months, and sometimes years to get you to a comfortable and consistent level of earning.

However try telling people that.

At a deep-root level, I guess most of us know this to be a fact.

Why do we still continue to believe then that there is an easy fix?

Here's the news...

There isn't.

Really... There isn't.

Sorry to disappoint but wouldn't you rather, for once in your lifetime have someone tell you the truth, rather than sell you the next easy to make money online dream?

Now I sell resale rights products.

And I can make thousands of dollars from a single email sent out to my subscribers.

Most people will say, "Yeah, that's the kind of easy money I want to make!"

And here is the reality...

It's taken me hours upon hours, days upon days, weeks upon weeks, months upon months and years of work, day and night to get to a stage where I can start to enjoy some kind of reward for my efforts.

Guess what...

The effort doesn't stop.

Just as much time goes in now, sometimes even more than when I first started out.

Except now it's a lot more fun and a lot more rewarding.

I am creating a website dedicated to teaching people how to make money online with resale rights.

And hard work, persistence and motivation is required every step of the way for those that will benefit from the advice on the website.

I might add, that the website is free, as is all of the information I will be putting on it.

But the fact remains, that you can teach a man to fish, but he still has to go out and do the fishing.

You can't stand there and fish for him.

And to catch the fish is going to take time, effort, and the next day he will have to repeat it all over again if he wants to keep feeding himself and his family.

If you are looking for ways to make easy money online, and aren't prepared to put the consistent hard work and effort in to create a profitable online business then take my advice.

Stop before you even start.

You'll save yourself a lot of money if you do.

On the other hand, if you are prepared to put in the hours, put in the work and stick to ONE THING without getting side-tracked and distracted by the next easy money making scheme that crosses your path, then you, almost by necessity will start to see the rewards for your efforts.

How you decide to make the money online is irrelevant.

If something is making money for lots of other people online, it will for you too but only with dedication, hard work and effort.

So the bottom line is this.

How hard are you prepared to work to earn easy money online?

Because without hard work, to make easy money online is a myth.

Tahir has been marketing online for just over 4 years, and earns thousands of dollars a month online. To learn more about the Easy To Make Money Online Myth CLICK HERE and learn more about making money online at his new website below:

Ebook And Software Master Resale Rights

Article Source : Make Money Online

Do You Want To Make Money Online? Then Stop Kidding Yourself

By Trevor Kugler

So you're interested in making money online. I'm assuming that because you're reading an article with this title. The biggest obstacle to making money online is navigating through all of the crap floating around the making money online toilet. And let me tell you something, there's a lot of crap. My first piece of advice is to stop kidding yourself into the fact that it's simple and easy to make money online.

Before I go any further, let me make it abundantly clear that I have no vested interest in you making money online. I'm not selling any e-book or trying to recruit you into a program. My website has nothing to do with any of those things, it has to do with fishing. I simply want to tell you some of what I've learned with the hopes that it may save you some time and money. I realize how incredibly frustrating figuring this "online" thing out can be, so I just wanted to offer my take.

The first thing, as I eluded to before, is that you need to stop kidding yourself into thinking making money online is simple, easy, or quick. Many people, myself included, fall into the trap of thinking that money can be made hand over fist simply because there's a website involved. This is simply not true. Making money online is exactly like making money anywhere else. Many people who want to sell you a "business opportunity" will lie about this fact and make it seem as if making money online is somehow different. Making money online is in no way different than making money in any other business, and surely not because it has the word 'online' attached to it. But these weasels want to make it seem as if it's different simply to get your money.

If you have the intention of making money online you need to educate yourself about the internet before you begin. These 'weasels' that I'm speaking of prey on people who aren't aware of some of the simplest things. I'm not saying that you have to become a tech dork, just educate yourself a bit as to how the Internet works. Look into things such as: affiliate marketing, driving traffic, SEO (search engine optimization), and article writing. Especially the subject of traffic. You need to have a plan in place as to how you're going to get people to your website. Don't do what I did, and jump in to the swimming pool known as the Internet with no real Internet experience or self education. You might almost drown while trying to get a lot of it figured out.

My last piece of advice is to not think that you can solve this puzzle quickly. As I've said making money online is exactly like making money elsewhere, and making money almost never happens overnight. Again, this is where the 'weasels' do their best to convince you otherwise. They will make it seem as if making money with their "system" is easier than taking a breath! Remember what your Mom told you, if it sounds to good to be true, it IS. If you want to really make money online make sure that your passionate about the subject as well. You see, if your passionate about the subject, you won't care about money, and then the money will follow. It's when we do things simply for the promise of money that we get in trouble.

Trevor Kugler - Co-founder of Trevor has more than 20 years of fishing experience, and raises his three year old daughter in the heart of trout fishing country....Montana.

Check Out Our Boats and Pontoons: - Start Catching more fish Today! - sign up for the best free fishing Ezine on the web and get $10 for your trouble.

Article Source : Make Money Online

Do You Actually Want To Make Money Online Or Do You Just Want To Have A Website

By Trevor Kugler

This is a question that you must know the answer to before you begin the online process. Either one is fine; you just need to know which one you want to do. The basic question is this: What do you want to accomplish online? Do you just want to advertise a product or service, or do you want to sell a product or service?

The answers to these questions are a must. I made the mistake of not answering these questions and wasted a ton of time and money, because I didn't know the answers. As soon as you "throw your hat in the ring", so to speak, you're going to have people coming at you from all angles telling you what the best course of action is. And do you know what? All of there answers cost you money! Now we all know that there's going to be a monetary investment involves with getting a website going, but it seems as if everyone and his brother wants to sell you the next thing that's going to make your online endeavor a success. It can become maddening.

Answering these crucial questions can help you immensely when these wolves come knocking at your door. An important thing to remember when it comes to having a website, whether it be for fun or profit, is the fact that without traffic none of it matters. Traffic of course, being people visiting your site. And really, what's the point of having a website, if you don't have any visitors? There is none. This is a crucial question for you to keep in mind after you've answered the other two. How are you going to get people to visit your site? This question also relates directly to those who answered "yes" to wanting to make money online, because if you want to make money online you need traffic (and a lot of it).

When you begin to research ways in which to get traffic, it opens up a whole new can of worms. You hear a lot about free classifieds, free banner exchanges, yadda, yadda, yadda. The bottom line is that the only way that ever seen to build traffic that's actually "free" is articles. The free banner exchanges and free classifieds aren't even worth your time you waste getting listed in them. They're BS, so the wolves can make more money. You would be much better off spending time writing articles about your subject(s) of expertise.

The bottom line is that answering these questions will put you in a much better position than I was when I started out on the internet. I truly want you to succeed and feel that most people won't be honest about how things on the internet really work. Good luck and remember what Lau Tzu said," All difficult things have their origin in that which is easy, and great things in that which is small."

Trevor Kugler - Co-founder of JRWfishing and founder of Trevor has more than 15 years of business experience and currently raises his three year old daughter in the heart of trout fishing country - Montana. - Start Catching more fish Today - sign up for the best free fishing Ezine on the web and get a FREE E-book for your trouble. - Fishing Tips & Techniques For Pennies

Article Source : Make Money Online

Can You Really Make Money Online?

By Kevin Bidwell

Tom from Indiana writes: “Is it still possible to make money online or is the ‘internet gold rush’ over?”

"Make a Quick $100"..."$10,000 in 30 days"..."Parents discover $100,000 in cash stuffed in their son's closet."

Come on, are we really buying this stuff?

At some point we all wanted to believe. At some point we were fed up with the way things had been in our lives and we just wanted out. At some point we read these misleading ads and thought, "maybe, just maybe, this can be me."

But all the promises turned out to be empty.

So, here we are, left with a genuine question: Can a regular person, without a bunch of technical knowledge or capitol to invest, actually make a living--a good living-- on the web?

Today I want to answer that question by looking at some "regular people" who are making their living on the web and then look at the characteristics that make them successful.

Katherine is a frustrated astrologer. An attractive woman of 30, single with no children, she set up a site on astrology a while back with no success. But she didn't give up.

She had a passion for designer clothes and accessories, but she also had a passion for bargains. Many months ago her bargain snooping led her to an overseas wholesaler who bought designer goods off-season at a tremendous discount.

As she sported her new wears, her friends began to ask her to secure some designer goods for them as well. She was more than willing to do so--and made a nice little profit with each handbag and overnight case.

Pretty soon, she had more than amply supplied all of her friend/customers yet still wanted to sell more. With $250 of start-up capitol, she founded her online biz in Nov of 2001.

By January of 2002, her sales were over $30,000 per month and her profit was over $10,000.

Not too shabby.

Preston had just ended a 3 month stay in a mental hospital. To keep himself occupied while he was there he began making twisted metal jewelry. Upon his release he realized that he couldn't return to the stress of his regular job.

He decided to travel around Louisiana and Mississippi (USA) and sell his handiwork at flea markets.

Eventually, he got the idea to sell his jewelry online. Today he and his wife are selling almost $50,000 per month from their home.

Anthony was a skinny guy.

I first ran into him several years ago through a body- building contest we were both participating in. To win the contest you had to transform your body through building muscle and losing body fat. I lost a little fat and gained a little muscle--not enough to even place.

Anthony won.

He went from being a scrawny looking guy to looking like he just stepped out off the cover of Men's Health.

That success became the nucleus for starting his own online business--telling other skinny guys how to gain weight and look great.

Doing all of his own work and investing more time than money he grew a ONE PAGE SITE into almost $30,000 per month in sales.

Robert was making $275 per week as an apprentice floor installer. He didn't have enough money for food, let alone for his own computer--or computer business. Not only did he not have any money, he had never even turned a computer on!

Through persistence and a great product he is now earning over $250,000 per year.

I don't have time or space here to tell you about Gary, who earned almost $400,000 last year from his little Internet company that he started for less than $100; or Ken who brought in $300,000 last year; or Andy, whose thinning hair became the nucleus for a $600,000 per year business.

My point is this...YOU CAN MAKE MONEY ON THE WEB.

[If you want to read the complete stories on these Internet success's, they can be found by clicking here.]

Here are some things that all of these people have in common that will help you to be successful too:


If you sell only the things that everyone else is selling, you will likely fail. When you pick a product--even if it is just your twisted wire jewelry or your enjoyment of everything pertaining to trucks--you may just have a winner.

Pick a product or a market that no one else is effectively targeting. You will be amazed at the results.


If you go into heavy debt to start your business, you will also have a much higher overhead and your tolerance for failure and setback will be lower. Most all of these people started out small and "kept their day job".


Failure is the path to success--if you don't give up. For several of these Internet successes, their "success" came on] the heels of one or more Internet failures. Many of us are going to have a couple of "goose eggs" before we hit success.


Almost all of these people had purchased and applied a web marketing course. The relatively small expense of this expert help--often recouped by the first sale--is far out- weighed by the long-term value of the information and insights courses like mine provide.

If you don't know what you are doing, find someone who does and imitate them.


You will not have any sales without visitors. Almost all of these people, when interviewed, can tell you with some sense of precision how many visitors come from what sources and how many of those turn into sales. Only marketers know this detailed information.


The routine tasks need to be done as automatically as possible so that the business owner can spend his time in marketing and developing new products. Automation is key to success and growth in business.


Most of these people operate out of their own home. They have few--if any--employees. They use products that are low or no cost to produce and ship.

If you will imitate these 7 virtues, you too will find success on the net.

Kevin Bidwell owns and has helped 4,953 people start a business from home. Visit now to pick up your own free How to Start a Business from Home guide now.

Article Source : Make Money Online

Build A Blog And Make Money Online

By Zack Ja

You want to make money online and you don't know how?

Let me tell you.

First you have to get a platform to build your online business on. In our case it's gonna be a blog. Why a blog you ask? Well, the answer is very simple. It's easy to get, easy to use and easy to promote. You get all the three thing you need to start a business almost free! It doesn't get any much better than that.

There are many free “get a blog” out there : Blogger, WordPress, LiveJournal and many more. Pick one and register free to get a free blog.

Those free blogs come with easy to edit themes so you can edit them as you want.

By the way, what is your blog about? What do you like, In what field do you have knowledge, What are your hobbies / interests?

It is very important that you will like your blog topic,otherwise you just gonna to get board very quickly and not maintain your blog.

Well, now that you have a blog what are you going to do with it? To post posts of course, but how is it going to generate income? In many different ways.

One way is that you can add AdSense ads to your posts. The AdSense ads are relevant to the post content. So, if your readers would like to read more about the post subject they probably click the ads. Every time people click on the ads in your blog, Google pays you money. Here is how to make your first online money. Google AdSense is free and you can join it in a 5 second registration at Google AdSense site.

Another way to generate income from your blog is to promote ClickBank products. You can join free to which is the Internet's largest digital marketplace, where thousands of the web's most popular products are sold every day.

You can promote products on your blog's posts and earn commission whenever people buy those products. This is a great way to post posts and earn money. Just choose your favorite products to promote, write a review and earn commission. Some products pay more than $30 per sale.

Now, what are you waiting for? You want to make money online, right?

Go get yourself a blog, sing up to Google AdSense and to ClickBank and start make somemoney online, It's really that simple.

Good luck.


Visit my site Build a Blog

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Best Way to Make Money Online

By Harris Krim

Though there are many ways to make money online,only some of them have good earning potentials. Out of them,I suggest Internet Marketing as the best way to make money online. Internet Marketing deals mainly with Affiliate Marketing these days,where you get a commission for referring a customer to merchant.

The Internet is widespread nowadays and is a great earning resource. Day by day,the number of people shopping online is increasing rapidly. Various stores,malls and Product resources are available all over the Internet.

Moreover, people search the web for information. These days informative products like E-Books are being sold out in higher volumes. In Affiliate Marketing,it is important for you to choose which products to promote,which keywords to advertise and track your sales. Affiliate Marketing is never an easy job unless you have a Professional Guidance.

On the other hand,Internet Marketing can be so dangerous. You may lose money if you do not have proper knowledge and guidance and you need to learn everything right from the basics step by step. Once you get into the core aspects of Internet Marketing,it is always easy for you to make money online.

You should be very careful when you are dealing with Internet Marketing. Never fall into the hype of websites that claim "be rich overnight" and "make money while sleeping" because they are scams. You will not be rich overnight through Internet Marketing. However,with little hard work and professional guidance you can certainly make money online easily within a short span of time. To be a successful Internet Marketer you need a program that teaches you to earn money online right from the basics with professional guidance.

To know more about the programs that teach you to make money online step by step right from the basics,check

Harris Krim is a professional Internet Marketer.To know more about his programs that teach you to earn money online right from the basics Click Here.

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12 Ways to Make Money Online

By Kevin Bidwell

Many people think of web business in a single dimension. They only see their business as selling an eBook. Or drop shipping. Or selling software.

The reality is there are many ways to make money from (monetize) a website. Here are my top 12:

1. You can create an eBook product.

This can be easily automated, meaning that once this site is up your daily routine would be marketing and answering minimal customer service emails. The entire order process can be completely automated.

2. You can create a digital tutorial product.

Again, this can be easily automated, meaning that once this site is up your daily routine would be marketing and answering minimal customer service emails. The entire order process can be completely automated.

3. You can create a software product.

Easily automated as well, meaning that once this site is up your daily routine would be marketing and answering minimal customer service emails. The entire order process can be completely automated.

4. You can sell a “hard good” you purchase wholesale (or manufacture) then sell at retail.

This requires you to purchase the product before-hand and fulfill orders yourself. You would spend days filling orders, managing shipping and returns, marketing.

5. You can sell a “hard good” as a drop-shipped product.

A “drop shipped” product is a hard good that a manufacturer ships directly for you to the customer. You collect the retail price on your website, forward the order to your manufacturer along with the shipping and wholesale price and keep the difference.

Similar to #4, you will have to spend some time fulfilling orders, but the time consuming task of shipping is done by your manufacturer.

6. You can sell advertising.

For a high demand market niche this can produce solid revenue. Ad sales can be done by an outside agency, you can sell them yourself and/or you can use services like Google Adsense or Traffic Showcase to provide ads for you.

Here you can generate a nice income with a “hands-off” site provided you can position yourself well in a market place. Solid demand coupled with good search engine position can give you a good deal of time freedom.

7. You can sell affiliate products.

If you have a solid search-engine position, this one can be run much like an advertising site. If you don’t have solid SE position, then you would spend your time creating and sending a newsletter, writing articles and generating traffic to your site.

8. You can promote an opportunity (like Multi-Level Marketing, etc.)

The key ingredient here is building a huge opportunity seeker list. Your best time is spent generating new leads and cultivating them into a paid down line. There are many online “training” programs that can automate training, but marketing to get the new leads is how your time would be used.

9. You can generate leads (to sell wholesale or to plug into an opportunity site)

If you are wanting to promote an opportunity site, then this goes hand-in-hand. The time here is spent getting people to the lead generation site and getting them into your “system.”

10. You can sell a service.

If the service you provide can be completely or almost completely automated, then you would spend your time marketing your site. Keep in mind, however, that if you are offering a “physical service”—like proofreading or carpet cleaning—you will need to spend a significant amount of time actually providing the service.

11. You can run a subscription site.

Subscription sites are a great way to go for a solid, recurring income. Keep in mind you will have to be constantly updating the content in order to retain members. Your time beyond that will be spent marketing your site.

12. You can use a combination of the above.

Obviously there are many online businesses using a combination of two or more of the above.

The big question you need to answer when it comes to choosing a monetization model for your own business is lifestyle—how much you want to work (if at all), how much money you want to make, what things you enjoy doing.

Choose the monetization model that best fits your end goal.

Kevin Bidwell owns and has helped 4,953 people start a business from home. Visit now to pick up your own free How to Start a Business from Home guide now.

Article Source : Make Money Online

5 Sure-Fire Ways to Make Money Online

By Chris Robertson

There are many ways to make money online today, and thousands of people are earning a substantial income from the comfort of their own homes. How are they making money? With a successful Internet business, of course!

Perhaps you want to earn a part-time income from home or start a full-time Internet business. Maybe you're a mom who wants to stay home while earning a living. Or, maybe you're sick and tired of the "rat race" and want to settle down with your own home business. Whatever the case, you can choose one of the sure-fire methods of making money online below to get started.

1. Offer Services That Other Web Business Owners Will Need

Many people earn money online while offering services that other Web business owners need on a continual basis. These services include Web hosting, domain name registration, web design, and content writing. Every new website must have a Web host, domain name, web designer and content. These services are available everywhere online, but fortunately, there's always room for a few more! Online users are starting new Internet businesses every day. So, the potential for making money online with these services is tremendous.

You can start from scratch with these businesses or find a company that allows you to resell its products and services. For instance, instead of setting up your own servers to become a Web host, you can become a reseller of hosting services and share a part of the profits. With this setup, your primary job is to promote the service. The parent Web host company does the rest.

2. Expand Your Present Business

If you already own a business, you can expand it by using a website. If your company has its own website, your customers can go online to learn more about you, buy your products or ask questions. It's a great way to advertise and build customer trust. Also, you can mention your website address in all your print, television and radio advertising to maximize results.

3. Start a "Niche" Internet Business

Many people start small Internet businesses that reflect who they are or what they enjoy. The word "niche" took on a whole new meaning when the Internet came into existence. A niche business can be anything you want it to be - an online flower shop, online classic car club, online magazine, online clothing store, online shopping mall, online photo stock agency, online candy store, online quilt outlet, or an online shoe store. Choose something you enjoy doing and find a way to build a small Internet business around that theme. And, don't let the word "small" fool you. Owning a small business is a great way to make money on the Internet!

4. Earn Money Online Through Auctions

Don't have time to manage a website? Try online auctions. You can sell just about anything at eBay and other Internet auction sites, but be sure you choose a market that has a strong demand. Some items sell well through auctions, some don't. Also, be sure to choose a product with a high profit margin so you don't lose money each time you list your items.

5. Provide Internet Marketing Services

Online company owners are always looking for effective ways to promote their websites. If you're a savvy Internet marketer, this business offers a tremendous money opportunity for you. You can earn money online while helping others increase their profits. Internet marketing today involves search engine promotion and SEO, Web content and optimization for article pages, pay-per-click campaigns, keyword research, press releases, banner and pop-up advertising, e-zine and mailing lists, and link exchanges. You can specialize in one of these areas or offer marketing techniques for all categories.

These are five proven ways to make money online. Each of these opportunities can provide a steady stream of income if you work diligently to promote your online business and services and always provide excellent customer service. Use these ideas to get started making money today!

Chris Robertson is an author of Majon International, one of the worlds MOST popular internet marketing companies on the web. Learn more about 5 Ways to Make Money Online or Majon's Business and Entrepreneurs directory.

Article Source : Make Money Online

5 Home Business Ideas To Make Money Online

By Paul Jesse

Every day hundreds of thousands of people around the world quit their 9 to 5 job with the hope of working for themselves. Because of the continuous expansion of the internet, it is very realistic to have success from home and make money online. Before you can begin making money online, you have to have an idea. Here are 5 home business ideas to help you begin making money online.

1. Article writing

Article writing and recently soared to the top of the list because of the constant demand for fresh and enticing content on the internet. Article writing is great because of the multiple ways you can make money online through it. Whether you are advertising your own products or website in articles or promoting affiliate programs with text links within the articles, you can easily turn article writing into a successful home business.

2. Online advertising

A majority of the people that have a home business are well aware of online advertising and the potential you have to make a large income from it. Online advertising however is going in the opposite direction of article writing today. You can still make a decent amount of money from Google ads and Yahoo ads, but the overall amount is gradually decreasing over the past couple of years.

3. Affiliate programs

Affiliate programs are great ways to make money online because of your ability to market several affiliate programs at one time. However, people need to realize that in order to have success with affiliate programs, you have to treat it like a business of your own. Constant research and learning the ins and outs of the product you are promoting is necessary to have any kind of success at all.

4. eBay

As crazy as it may sound, there are people on the internet making a lot of money from eBay. eBay has made it possible for the average person who is not an expert in the business industry to make a large amount of money from selling things. What may be junk to you might be worth several hundreds of dollars to someone else, you never know.

5. Start your own website

Starting your own website is almost essential for any type of home business, and it will certainly make things easier on you for the above ideas as well. Having a website allows you to market and promote certain products of your own. You can also place surveys and other small money-makers on your website to produce cash. Obviously, you can also make money from your own website through affiliate programs, online advertising and article writing.

The sky is the limit when it comes to making money online today because of the plethora of options you have. Just know that many times it is a trial and error basis because nothing is guaranteed in the internet industry.

Paul Jesse is a retired government employee, private pilot and author of numerous home business articles. He earns commissions from several affiliate programs every month. He invites you to visit his website.

Article Source : Make Money Online

Who Says You Can't ? 3 Simple Ways You Could Make Money Online For Free

By Desmond Owens

The are plenty of ways you could make money online for free. Alot of people just don't know where to turn to for an answer. Below I will cover a review a course that ordinary people are using to increase their income online. Are you ready? Lets begin.

Whats all this Bum Marketing buzz you hear about online? The great thing about Bum Marketing is that anybody could be taught how to make their first dollar online. Now, I don't know about you but If someone could show me how to make money online that would definitely catch my attention. You don't need your own product. In fact many people don't know that you could easily promote someone else's product and make money if someone purchases from your promotional efforts. Theres nothing better than waking up to reading "You Have Made A Sale!" in your email inbox. You don't even have to have a list of customers or subscribers. While having a list could help you in the long run. Theres a zero cost or low cost. I mean after all we are looking for a way to make money online for free.

1,2,3...If you can count to three you can easily follow the steps of Bum Marketing. While I'm not going to go in too deep into the whole process I did want to focus on some key points.

1) Find what people are looking for. I can hear many of you say"I don't know what people are looking for?" K.I.S.S - Keep It Simple Silly. You could easily come up with 10 things that people are searching about now just by looking at your house, or better yet whenever you go shopping at a store, what kind of things do you think about..ok minus how long the checkout line is. Where Can I find...? How Can I do...?Help Me With...? Those are just a few thing but I just wanted to get the idea lamp turned on.

2) Find out how many people are looking for your product of service and look at the competition. Go to google and type in for example: Help Me Fly a Kite, as of this writing I see 1,480,000 results. Bum Marketers know how to get their pages ranked to the top. Using the methods inside the course.

3) Build a page related to what your niche (your market) are looking for, and refer them to a site that you will build (easier than you think) The main thing to remember that if your going to want to make money online for free you got to find out what people want and either provide a solution or guide people to the right place. Many people seem tend to think too hard about that process and it ends up freezing their ability to focus on getting the job done.

Now The Bad, and The Ugly

These two are combined and after thinking about it. The bad and the ugly rests in your hands. If you don't take any action, if you don't follow directions, if you don't work on your business you will only see the results you had before. The final question you should be asking yourself is "Are you going to sit on the sidelines, while other learn how to make money online for free?" or are you going to take action and focus on making your first dollars online. Whatever you decide, once you decide on how to make your first dollars all you have to do is duplicate what you've done over, and over again. If you follow those steps you will definitely will see an increase in your income.

Desmond Owens is the proud owner of he is currently a student of where he is starting from scratch and working to $4,500 per month.

Article Source : Make Money Online